Thursday, November 13, 2014

First Step

So now that we have a vague idea about what we are going to write about, we needed to formalize it in a NEW BOOK PROPOSAL.  The proposal includes a potential title, a brief synopsis of our topic, what features will make our book unique, a chapter outline and also a look at the competition.

Various items were incredibly difficult to come up with like the title.  How do you create a title that is meaningful and will help to make the book more mainstream?  We have not found the perfect title yet, but I am using a catch phrase for the project.  Perhaps it will make it into the finalized title at some point?

The competition bit was also tough.  We ended up settling on an Amazon search, limiting to certain keywords and then limiting by subject to Library and Information Science.  There were 39 titles.  We ignored titles that were not directly relevant to our topic and also ignored titles that were more than 4 years old.  These limitations generated a list of approximately 4 titles.

Several drafts later, we submitted the proposal.

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