Thursday, September 11, 2014

and then this happened

I had a lesson in 'thinking on your feet' yesterday.  I was asked to provide a library orientation session for new students in a graduate program.  The professor asked me to follow the outline that I used last year - which caused me to assume that I would again have an hour for more presentation. 

Looking at the notes, I thought my previous session looked a bit boring, so I thought I would try and integrate a couple of active learning techniques as well as an ice-breaker activity.  I worked away at the content and thought that I had a really neat lesson planned for the class.

I arrive at the class and the professor states that he has some comments to make first and then it will be my turn.  I should have at least 20 minutes.

Yikes!  I planned how I could adapt the session while he gave his presentation.

I made a quick joke about my abbreviated session and then delivered key pieces of information that I thought they would require.  I wasn't able to add any active learning techniques to the class, but there was a lot of thoughtful questions at the end.  The energy in the room (including mine) led me to believe the session was well received.

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